Farmacologia y Toxicologia

About Farmacologia y Toxicologia

About Journal

Aims and Scope

The journal of Pharmacologiay Toxicology is an international publication for the distribution of scientific information in Spanish in relation to these disciplines, with a special emphasis on their frequent interrelations. Original research articles and reviews in any of the fields of Pharmacology and Toxicology, from basic research to clinical practice, will be considered for publication. The distribution of the articles may be done under the modality of free access or subscription, as determined by the authors.

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Pharmacology & Toxicology is a peer reviewed scholarly open access journal that accepts research articles, review articles, case studies and short communication, etc. There are many subcategories for which papers can be submitted, those are; Drug Composition and Properties, Pharmacotherapeutics, Toxicological Studies, Studies of Symptoms, Mechanisms, Chemical Toxicology, Treatments and Detection of Poisoning, Studies of Symptoms, Mechanisms, Metal Toxicology, Pharmacological Screenings, therapeutic trials, Drug Interactions and many more.

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